Let’s see: minimum wage, paid sick leave are on the clock. Here’s one more idea for a mandatory workplace ordinance: What if you had to take the vacation time you’ve got coming?
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Workplace
Fatherhood has changed a lot on recent decades as men take on more of an upbringing role in the home. In the workplace? Not so much, the Boston Globe reports. It says a ‘wave’ of lawsuits has highlighted unequal treatment in the workplace. Fathers can’t get a break when they have to reconcile the needs of their employers with the needs of their children. Read more →
The Google engineer who thought the rest of his company should know that women are biologically inferior as members of the tech industry has been fired and believes his constitutional rights have been denied. Read more →
At one time, IBM was considered an innovative, model employer, and boasted of the number of its employees who telecommuted. Those days are over.
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Companies of more than 50 people would be required to have policies establishing the hours during which employees would not send or answer emails.
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Do you have any “favorite” layoff stories to share? Read more →

From all accounts Mitchell Casado can fly an airplane. He’s also pretty good at explaining how airplanes fly, seeing as how he’s been CNN’s go-to explainer since the Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared last month.
There’s just this one problem that got him fired from his job: He dresses like a slob, his former employer says. Read more →
Paid time off — PTO — always seemed like a dastardly idea, given that it seems designed to make taking a break from work come straight out of the wallet. In each check, a few dollars are set aside for PTO and when you take time off, the money is deducted from the accumulated pot of cash. Read more →
Remember that case I told you about in December when the Iowa Supreme Court said it was OK to fire a woman who worked in a dentist’s office because the dentist’s wife was jealous that he found the worker irresistible? Never mind. The court had ruled 7-0 for the Fort Dodge doctor, employing an odd Read more →