United Airlines and American Airlines are standing up against the Trump administration’s policy to take children away from parents who cross the border. You’re up, Delta. CNBC says the two airlines have asked the government not to fly the kids to detention centers on their airline. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: United Airlines

All Carrol Amrich wanted to do a week ago Tuesday was get to Minnesota from Pueblo, Colorado to say “goodbye” to her dying mother.
She didn’t make it thanks to the byzantine system of air travel . Read more →
Geoff Fearns, 59, is no slouch when it comes to big money. He’s president of TriPacific Capital Advisors, with a half-billion dollars of real estate holdings. But when he needed to give up a seat, he was just another little person on a big airline. Read more →
United Airlines will make a pretty significant announcement today. It will announce the first investment by a domestic airline in a company that will provide alternative fuel.
Fulcrum, a California-based company, turns household trash into jet fuel.
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