After the apparent shooting down of a civilian airliner over Ukraine today, many airlines are joining the directive to stay away from Ukraine. Read more →
After the apparent shooting down of a civilian airliner over Ukraine today, many airlines are joining the directive to stay away from Ukraine. Read more →
There are a couple of competing ways to look at this graphic, from a survey asking people in the United States to indicate where Ukraine is. One is, ‘Wow, are people ever ignorant.’ The other is: ‘Wow, Americans got it right a lot of the time.’ Read more →
“Has it ever before happened that people associated with Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian, Armenian, Polish, and Jewish culture have died in a revolution that was started by a Muslim? Can we who pride ourselves in our diversity and tolerance think of anything remotely similar in our own histories?” Timothy Snyder asks in his marvelous recap of Read more →
Many of the images coming from Kiev have been otherworldly. Read more →
Decisions facing parents of African American students, breaking the stereotype of hunger, Kiev is burning, the man who wouldn’t kiss his sister, and frozen Superiority. Read more →