Truer words were never spoken than the ones from a Transportation Security Administration officer when a man’s daughter underwent a two-minute pat-down because she had a juice box in her carry on.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: TSA
Shadi Petosky, a Hollywood writer and producer, regularly flies between Minneapolis and Los Angeles, she says. She was stuck in Miami yesterday, trying to get a flight to Minneapolis, because she’s a transgender woman and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) wouldn’t let her on a plane. Read more →
The Transportation Security Administration — the pat-down people at the airport — is going to stop searching black women’s hair for no reason.
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If you’ve gone through airport security, gotten on your flight, and landed at your destination, can the Transit Security Administration (TSA) pull you aside for additional screening? Read more →

It’s possible today’s story about a woman who tried to get a tank of propane on an airplane isn’t as crazy as it first sounds.
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Apparently the new threat to air safety is 15-year-old girls whose shirts are not tightly buttoned. Over the weekend, Boing Boing editor Mark Frauenfelder relayed the story about what happened when the girl passed through the TSA security post in Los Angeles: She said the officer was “glaring” at her and mumbling. She said, “Excuse Read more →