Reddit and the website SB Nation had a lot of fun with this photo of a Timberwolves ticket taped to a pole. There’s probably more to the story than a person who didn’t want to go to the game. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Timberwolves

Though they’ve been a generally disappointing team this year, and are on a pace to miss the playoffs again, the Minnesota Timberwolves today announced fairly steep increases for the cheaper seats at the soon-to-be-remodeled Target Center for next season. Read more →

The convenience of Minnesota privacy laws, sad Ricky Rubio, how the “do what you love” bromide cheapens workers, the beauty and genius of the diverging diamond, and NPR and the ‘b’ word. Read more →

Kevin Love is happy, again.
For a mess of a franchise that does business at Target Center, that’s good news. Read more →