Why not reconnect with nature and keep your day job? John Enger, MPR News’ reporter in Bemidji, Minn., spent the week commuting to work from a campground. Here’s what he learned. Read more →
Why not reconnect with nature and keep your day job? John Enger, MPR News’ reporter in Bemidji, Minn., spent the week commuting to work from a campground. Here’s what he learned. Read more →
Today’s glitches that affected United Airlines, the New York Stock Exchange, and Wall St. Journal could be worse. Twitter could be down. Read more →
Perhaps like us, you’ve been getting texts and tweets from colleagues who are in sunny Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics show, in which tomorrow’s hyped gadgets are on display today.
We’re pretty sure this isn’t overhyped. Read more →
Under the 6th Amendment to the Constitution, you have the right to face your accuser. But what if your accuser is your own car? Read more →
If the United States ever thinks it needs something more to be outraged about, it always has the one thing it’s ignored for generations: the treatment of Native Americans. Read more →
OK, Millennials. We’ll bite. What have you got against leaving voicemails? Read more →
In what looks like a super-sized version of the popular vintage toy called Electric Football, scientists at Harvard University have revealed what they say is the largest robot swarm ever. Read more →
A new app lets users rate neighborhoods on a “sketchiness” factor. Is it racist? Read more →
Comcast is trying significant damage control today after a customer posted audio of his attempt to cancel Comcast’s Internet and cable service in his home. Read more →
What would it take for the overconnected generation to give up their cellphones?
In Kimball, Minnesota, a teacher is finding out by keeping their cellphones 24/7 in exchange for allowing the students to skip the finals in her class. Read more →
At a session of the National Association or Broadcasters event today, CEO Gordon Smith urged TV broadcasters to put up a unified fight for a new TV broadcast standard, called ATSC 3.0. It uses Internet and cellular systems for TV transmission instead of antennas on tall towers. Read more →
Sen. Al Franken has tried mightily to get the nation — and the nation’s politicians — alarmed about the demise of net neutrality. For the most part, it’s fallen on deaf ears because the nation doesn’t really get technology and the politicians do get telecommunications money to influence public policy.
The public has been nothing but sleepy in response. Read more →
Would you be able to function if you woke up to find it’s 1986? A couple in Ontario has spent the last year living in 1986, the year they were born. Today, they returned to 2014 Read more →
The world isn’t going to wait for the Federal Aviation Administration to come up with rules governing the use of drones, or — more accurately — quad copters. Read more →
On Friday night, Kyle Russell, a tech reporter for Business Insider, was wearing Google Glass eyewear while walking in the Mission District of San Francisco.
If there’s anywhere that would appreciate a little tech, you’d think it would be San Francisco. But it’s also a symbol of the tech-savvy pushing out the ‘little people.’ Read more →