Police in the UK are using social networking to fight the rioters.
Check out these recent-ish headlines from the Intarwebz: “Email is dead: Check out these 8 innovating alternatives instead” (Business Insider) “Nine reasons e-mail is dead” (PCMag.com) “Is e-mail dead?” (Discovery News) “The end of the e-mail era” (Wall Street Journal) I’ve never bought the premise that email is on the way out. New research from Read more →
A digital music service for which Europeans have gone nutso launches in the U.S. today, after a couple of years of promises and waiting. “If Apple’s iTunes ushered in digital music’s first phase as a large-scale business, then Spotify and other services like it could be its future,” writes Ben Sisario on the New York Read more →
A Blaine man who hijacked his neighbor’s Wi-fi and then made threats to Joe Biden and distributed child pornography using his victim’s identity has been sentenced to 18 years in prison. It’s just one more nasty incident — albeit a very small one — in the long war between forces of good and evil online. Read more →
Facebook and public relations firm Burson-Marsteller are parting ways after reporter Dan Lyons (the artist formerly known as “Fake Steve Jobs”) exposed Facebook’s smear campaign against Google. For the past few days, a mystery has been unfolding in Silicon Valley. Somebody, it seems, hired Burson-Marsteller, a top public-relations firm, to pitch anti-Google stories to newspapers, Read more →