The world has long been full of people who delight in yelling ‘jump’ when someone is perched on a building or bridge, preparing to die.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Tech

People of all ages, economic, and social spheres, and diverse backgrounds are ending up at the same places, interacting in whatever way Pokemon Go allows, helping each other along the way, and becoming friends.
What exactly is bad about that? Read more →
A man whose son died last fall wants Apple to open his iPhone. Read more →

Up until today, no Minnesota court has ever ruled that copyrighted websites are property subject to being seized and sold to satisfy court awards.
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In today’s performance, the role of the Federal Aviation Administration will be played by a kangaroo. Read more →

In the cacophony of reaction to a new, bright shiny object from the Apple cult, there was a death in the family that went unacknowledged this week. Read more →

We suspect we’re talking to nobody at the moment because one of the major ways people read NewsCut is being held hostage. Feedly, the news reader that seemed to be the reader of choice when Google pulled the plug on Google Reader last year, was taken down today by hackers who are demanding money to Read more →

The story about archivists at a university is, ostensibly, about handling the big collections that famous people leave, but it could just as easily be the stories of every family in coming years.
The hard drive full of photographs may serve as the digital pile of old pictures, it says. But who’s to say that 60 years from now, the hard drive will work? Or even exist? If they don’t, now what part of you is still around? Read more →
A major security flaw has been found in websites that is exposing usernames, passwords and maybe credit card numbers. The Heartbleed bug went undetected for more than two years and there’s no indication that hackers actually stole your personal information, but they know now. Read more →

Maybe there no longer is such a thing as spontaneity in the world. Maybe every documented bit of kindness, every cute scene, every bit of wonderful whimsy is nothing but the detritus of Mad Men.
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A satellite photography company is using crowdsourcing to pore over thousands of images, looking for debris from the apparently downed Malaysia Flight MH370. Read more →

A phishing email to an HVAC contractor opened the door to the massive Target hack. Read more →
Details on how hackers used a malware called “Reedum” to steal customer data from Target. Read more →

Google has announced a new scheme to try to boost its Google+ service by allowing people to email you who don’t have your e-mail address. Read more →
Why no kill-switch feature on cell phones to discourage thefts? The companies may soon have to answer to Congress. Read more →