Key excerpts from the Supreme Court’s decision. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Supreme Court
Monday’s Supreme Court decision basically allows evidence in an illegal search to be used against you. It hasn’t attracted much attention but that’s the nature of how constitutional rights disappear. Read more →

We may never again hear the kind of testimony at a hearing for a Supreme Court nominee that we heard in the October 1991 hearings for Justice Clarence Thomas. Read more →
Today’s Supreme Court decision that appears to open the floodgates of campaign contributions is rooted in this question: What is corruption? The word appears 124 times in today’s opinon.
In its ruling today, the Court said the limits are arbitrary because they set a point at which a campaign contribution is corruption. Read more →
Justice Antonin Scalia turned out to be right when he predicted in the court’s decision striking down the federal government’s Defense of Marriage Act that it would lead to judges striking down state bans on same-sex marriage. Read more →
Like Justice Sonia Sotomayor did yesterday, Justice Antonin Scalia read his dissent to today’s DOMA ruling from the bench. It’s a symbolic but otherwise pointless exercise, given that in 2013, live cameras and microphones are still not allowed in the High Court. Read more →
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision could expand DNA’s role because it allows warrantless DNA searches of people who are arrested, not just those convicted. Read more →