One of the first ‘retro’ baseball parks that ushered in the stadium building boom in the ’90s is about to be demolished because it’s not enough anymore that a baseball stadium is a great place to watch a baseball game.
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One of the first ‘retro’ baseball parks that ushered in the stadium building boom in the ’90s is about to be demolished because it’s not enough anymore that a baseball stadium is a great place to watch a baseball game.
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Earthcam has been keeping an eye on the construction of the new Minnesota Vikings stadium.
Today, the company released the newest time-lapse video of it. Read more →
The Timberwolves and Lynx announced today that the Target Center renovation will be delayed again. Times are too good in the construction business so costs have been going up. Read more →
The Minnesota Vikings are going ahead with installing clear glass in their new behemoth stadium despite warnings it’ll lead to the deaths of birds who’ll slam into it.
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The Twins aren’t a good team. Who to blame for this? Where to start? Read more →
It’s getting so you can’t build a football stadium for $1 billion anymore. Read more →
The decision by Minnesota officials to pay for a football stadium for one of the richest men in America certainly has sparked emotional debate over the years, especially in an era of declining economic conditions. It is, some say, a statement of Minnesota values. Others insist it’s a legitimate economic stimulant. Both points have their Read more →
Is it time to wean ourselves off the skyway culture?
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