The cops will move in to clear the camp on Thursday morning. That won’t be a proud day in St. Paul. Read more →
The cops will move in to clear the camp on Thursday morning. That won’t be a proud day in St. Paul. Read more →
Minnesota’s capital this year will not have a July Fourth fireworks display. St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter on Wednesday officially drove a stake through what was left of the holiday in his city, citing budget costs. Read more →
Navigating the new with the old is a design challenge but the newest addition to the St. Paul streetscape has faithfully lived up to it. Read more →
What happened in St. Paul on Sunday is a metaphor for the state of government in Minnesota. Because it can’t get out of its own way, it doesn’t work.
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It’s tough nowadays to be a small, grassroots nonprofit that serves its communities. Funders want more sophisticated organizations that can stand on their own if one funder puts its money elsewhere.
But small, grassroots non-profits are often the most successful at the bottom line: directly helping people.
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Generally speaking, Minnesota architecture can be a boring series of right angles. Folks seem to like it. The style feels like a comfortable pair of slippers.
So you might want to think about the design of the new Minnesota United stadium for awhile and not react right away. Read more →
The First National Bank building has new owners, the sign is in need of repair because high winds tore at its neon tubing, and the new owners say they’re exploring ‘options.’
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If you squint, perhaps, the picture underneath Mayor Chris Coleman’s welcome to St. Paul in the program of the national figure skating championships looks like St. Paul from Harriet Island. And the bridge could easily be mistaken for the Wabasha Street Bridge.
Squint a little more, you’ll see it. More. Read more →
Ouch. How badly do you want to see Adele when she kicks off her tour this summer in St. Paul? On StubHub this morning, asking prices were starting at about $550 and running to $9,000. Each. Read more →
The secrecy with which Minnesota United has wandered the landscape looking for a soccer friend has been troubling right from the start. Now, the people in charge of the taxpayer-portion of a deal are climbing into bed and pulling the covers, MPR’s Curtis Gilbert reports today. Read more →
It would be fascinating to take a look at the new stadium playbook the Minnesota United is using to get a new stadium for its Major League Soccer franchise.
The Pioneer Press’ Andy Greder, for one, has noticed that the United is approaching asking for public help in a different way than any of the big-three sports franchises in town used to extract taxpayer money for a venue.
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Even if the new St. Paul Saints stadium didn’t turn out to be the jewel that it has, it would’ve been addition by subtraction just with the removal of the old Gillette plant, an industrial eyesore. Read more →
The city’s most controversial billboard, which currently says nothing and hasn’t for quite some time, is coming down, Fred Melo at the Pioneer Press reports.
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The group Visit Saint Paul wants people to use the hashtag #MYSAINTPAUL to say what they love about the city. Read more →
The rather delicious infighting among Saint Paul City Council members over the fate of a typical cruddy billboard reveals this factoid today: East Side residents need inspirational and promotional messages, according to area politicians.
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