It was 27 years ago today that the Challenger exploded. In some ways, it marked the beginning of the end of America’s human space exploration era in which it launched its own citizens into space.
NASA’s just-released video is cool enough to almost make you remember when the moon was a mysterious place that could make you want to learn more about it.
Students at Dartmouth have answered a poorly done European video that purported to show that science and women are made for each other. The European video was clearly the brainchild of some guys. Not this one.
I’m generally not a huge fan of Gangnam Style parody videos but this latest one seems to confirm that sometime, somehow, rocket scientists became the cool kids.
If you were among the many people wasting their time watching the Minnesota Vikings last night, you probably missed this from the World Series game between the Tigers and Giants.
Good grief, science, it’s been almost four months since you found the Higgs Boson particle, a discovery that could lead to determining the origin of mass. Have you done anything lately?