The Pioneer Press reports that other Minnesota laws were never changed when same-sex marriage became the law, so while a pregnant woman automatically is considered the mother of her baby, her wife is not. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Same sex marriage

In the aftermath of the election, the time appears to be right to try to roll back perceived gains of the last few decades and now Minnesota’s Human Rights Act is in the crosshairs. Read more →
Allstate is the latest company to feature same-sex marriage and parenting as part of its advertising strategy. Read more →

Rev. Steve Berntson, a pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in north Fargo, has quit his job to protest a Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage.
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Kim Davis’ refusal to issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples in her corner of Kentucky is pretty good for the laundry soap business. Read more →

By the time the U.S. Supreme Court gets around to deciding whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, it may be overtaken by events. Read more →
When the Minnesota Legislature convenes in Saint Paul next month, it’ll head for a showdown over whether businesses who don’t favor same-sex marriage should be required to do business with same-sex couples. How broad the legislation is isn’t entirely clear yet, since it hasn’t been filed. Read more →

Pioneer Press reporter Mike Berardino felt compelled today to explain why he didn’t serve up softballs to Minnesota Twins outfielder Torii Hunter and Hunter’s news conference earlier this week.
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When a few Republicans stood up to the party platform last year and voted to legalize same-sex marriage in Minnesota, some saw it as a gutsy move. But maybe they just knew their voters. Read more →
The interview carries a significant message: Politicians in the coming elections — especially Democrats — are going to have to answer for their past positions on same-sex marriage, the same way politicians of days-gone-by had to answer for their views on race and segregation. Read more →
There will be no same sex marriages in Nintendo’s social simulation game “Tomodachi Life.” Nintendo made that clear today when it confirmed that while players will be able to form romantic relationships in its virtual world, and maybe even get married, same-sex marriage will not be allowed. The game is to represent “a playful alternative Read more →

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case of a New Mexico photographer who refused the job of photographing a same-sex commitment ceremony. You may recall in the Legislature’s debate about same-sex marriage, the mythical wedding photographer who would be forced to take pictures against her will was a common theme.
Elaine Huguenin is that photographer and her case is the first to reach the Supreme Court, which wanted nothing to do with it. It rejected the case without comment. Read more →
Justice Antonin Scalia turned out to be right when he predicted in the court’s decision striking down the federal government’s Defense of Marriage Act that it would lead to judges striking down state bans on same-sex marriage. Read more →

Over the years on NewsCut, we have presented and talked about the hyperplanned marriage proposals, but this one is a first in our ongoing list: a same-sex proposal. It happened in a Home Depot in Salt Lake City: Utah doesn’t recognize same-sex marriages. There is a federal court case in the state to overturn the Read more →