I’m rather a sportsmanship fan so I couldn’t help but notice the big difference in the way two medalists for the United States celebrated after winning their races yesterday. Read more →
I’m rather a sportsmanship fan so I couldn’t help but notice the big difference in the way two medalists for the United States celebrated after winning their races yesterday. Read more →
Increasingly over the decades, coverage has had less to do with the actual competition, and more to do with the personal struggle of an individual athletes. The more drama, the better in storytelling and that’s what the Olympics are now — personal stories. Oh, and the medals. Read more →
Is this a stand for free speech or a chance to get some free advertising? Either motivation behind a lawsuit by a carpet cleaning franchise in Minnesota against the U.S. Olympic Organizing Committee would be the American way.
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There’s not a lot about the competition to host Olympics games that passes the smell test and what’s happening in Boston — the United States’ entry in the competition to host the 2024 summer games — isn’t an exception.
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If you won an Olympic medal in one of the most famous moments in American sports history, would you keep it and pass it on to your heirs, or sell it?
Mark Pavelich, the Eveleth native who won gold with the 1980 ‘Miracle on Ice’ U.S. Olympic hockey team, has decided to sell his. Read more →
America’s luck on the ice hasn’t changed in Sochi since the U.S. men’s hockey team came home empty-handed and the women settled for a silver after having the gold practically around their necks. Read more →
Is plowing really worse now, the need for another miracle on ice, snowy owls and the selfish photographer, jumping through hoops for jobs, and thekilling of the Wisconsin labor union. Read more →
“It’s not unsporting for athletes to cry when they come up short. But it is unsporting to chastise them for it.”
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Yes, it’s hockey. But at least Canada is united on something. What about the U.S.? Read more →
Why it’s good for your workplace to watch hockey today, why newspeople shouldn’t explain editorial decisions to the government, why don’t you move to the back of the bus, the art of shoveling the roof, and why is there homelessness? Read more →
As secretly shameless as the BMW connection is, NBC’s coverage of “the moms” has been an out-in-the-open payoff. Read more →
Oshie for president. Except he's like 15 years old. — Amanda Rykoff (@amandarykoff) February 15, 2014 Putin just ordered all out nuke strike on Warroad. — Blues & Baseball (@BluesnBaseball) February 15, 2014 The face that'll keep Putin awake tonight. pic.twitter.com/SpwEi5jBEt — BarstoolTrent (@BarstoolTrent) February 15, 2014 They'll re-ice now with Putin tears. — Seth Read more →
The Canadians show us that the Olympics can be a place of dignity and goodwill. Read more →
People on the Canadian border can access CBC coverage, which is much more robust — almost three times the number of hours of coverage as the U.S. side. Read more →
The disaster waiting to happen on Franklin Avenue happened, why aren’t there more fights at caucuses, Warroad’s olympians, can diversity be funny, and bright lights and big dreams for a 14 year old. Read more →