Perhaps it’s unrealistic to expect financially strapped news organizations to pay someone to publicize its flaws. But even if trust in newsrooms weren’t eroding, it would still be true that readers and listeners deserve someone on their side in a position of power. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: New York Times
Most journalists of a certain age have a story about the hatred between the New York Times and Washington Post. The two newspapers have waged a pitch battle for generations to be the nation’s newspaper of record. Read more →
Weeks after NPR decided to give up on the notion that its online audience can intelligently discuss the day’s news via comments, the New York Times, which generally has a comment section worth reading, is trying another approach to elevate the scene. Read more →
Today, the Times reports that Trump’s plane is flying again because he sold it to another corporation he owns, which allowed the plane to fly immediately rather than wait for renewal paperwork to be generated. Read more →
The better story right now is the one Wemple has been pedaling all week: the New York Times appears to have been far more incompetent in its work than the federal authorities were in theirs. Read more →
The latest is the widely-reported assertion that Tashfeen Malik talked openly on social media about violent jihad. That’s led to criticism that the U.S. intelligence services failed to pick up even the most public warnings that she and her husband were a threat. Read more →

Tomorrow, I’m on the weekly roundtable on MPR News with Kerri Miller in which the subject of reporter transparency made its way into the conversation among the panel of journalists. Read more →

While appearing to be somewhat contrite, the New York Times writer responsible for the great grape-salad scandal of Thanksgiving 2014 isn’t backing away. Read more →

Jill Abramson, the ousted boss at the New York Times, is expected to speak for the first time about her firing from the Times. She’s giving the commencement speech this morning at Wake Forest.
Watch it here. Read more →

The New York Times is in the eye of the hurricane in the storm over the different treatment of women in the workplace compared to male counterparts.
The Times fired its editor, Jill Abramson, today, replacing the first woman to hold the job with the first African American to have it. Read more →