A handful of cases from federal and state judges has sought recently to clarify a long-standing argument: When you drive a car, is it constitutional that you automatically submit to chemical testing for DUI when an officer asks you too? Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Minnesota Court of Appeals

The Minnesota Court of Appeals has given a boost to cities who want to keep neighborhoods from being taken over by college students.
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If you’re dressed in blaze orange during deer hunting season, holding a 12-gauge shotgun, sitting on an ATV in a camouflage deer blind, and four deer slugs sitting beside you, what are you doing? A three-judge panel of the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled today that you’re hunting, when it shot down the attempt of Read more →
It was a heck of a try by Carissa Jean Elizabeth Stahosky two years ago when she was stopped for speeding in Ramsey County Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals today rejected an attempt to stop the state’s sale of mining leases without any environmental review. Read more →
Being mentally ill will not get you a break under the mandatory five-year prison term for illegally possessing a firearm. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled today that a guardian can authorize the disconnection of life-support systems without the intervention of the courts in Minnesota.
The court ruled in the case of Jeffers Tschumy, a 53 year old man with no family who suffered from diabetes, effect of a stroke and partial paralysis from a spinal infection. A profession guardian was appointed in 2009 and when Tschumy suffered irreversible brain damage in April 2012, his guardian directed Abbott Northwestern Hospital to remove life-prolonging treatment. Read more →
One statute’s stood the test of time in Minnesota: You can’t sell booze to a minor. Period. Read more →