Al Jazeera America this week has been peeling back the veil of indifference that has masked a reality of life in parts of Minneapolis — native American gangs. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Minneapolis

Minneapolis residents confronted the Minneapolis City Council last night over that body’s previous cuts to energy and racial equity programs.
It was democracy in action. Or it was insulting. It depends on whom you ask. Read more →
Minneapolis bike riders too lax on safety? Is that the reason bike fatalities are rising?
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That’s the question to debate in the wake of Minneapolis police chief Janeé Harteau’s decision to pull out of a ‘listening session’ last night to address concerns by people of color in the city. Read more →
The conversation surrounding the weekend revelation of perks demanded by the NFL in exchange for Minneapolis hosting Super Bowl LII entered the ‘don’t worry about it’ phase today.
The advice comes from famed foodie Andrew Zimmern, who takes on local scribes today for paying attention to the controversy. Read more →

Is this a growing trend in Minneapolis? People posting public parking areas in front of their homes as private parking only?
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We scoff at Chicago but is downtown Minneapolis safe? Read more →
Raymond Callihan, 72, will be taken off life support in the next few days; he suffered an apparent heart attack while eating breakfast last week, according to WCCO.
Would it have made a difference if Minneapolis’ 911 operators had answered Arcola Tullis’ call for help? Read more →

The disaster waiting to happen on Franklin Avenue happened, why aren’t there more fights at caucuses, Warroad’s olympians, can diversity be funny, and bright lights and big dreams for a 14 year old. Read more →

Should the skyways of Nicollet Mall be destroyed, what does it take to cancel school around here (and elsewhere), the commercial drone war has already started, Rod Carew’s mission, and the growing legend of Derrick Coleman. Read more →
Slate’s Matthew Yglesias love Minneapolis but takes a whack at people who don’t want Dinkytown to change. Read more →
The reporter who wrote a perfectly horrible review of the Minneapolis scene is acknowledging that he really didn’t spend enough time in the area to know much about the Minneapolis scene. That was much was certainly obvious in Mark Meadows’ “48 Hours in Minneapolis,” being distributed by Reuters. 10 a.m. – Eat breakfast at the Read more →

We welcome the coming riff-raff; our secret is out. The people who care enough not to disappear after covering a story. The next philanthropists? One common hope in Carlton and St. Louis counties, and what will the driverless car do to our cities? Read more →