Minnesota is one of two states that requires you to wait once you sign an application for a marriage license. We’re not exactly sure what’s supposed to happen in the five days between the time you ask for permission to be married and the time the state says “OK.” But neither does anyone else, apparently. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Marriage
Minnesota is about to reach the point where fewer than half of the state is married. So what? Read more →
Writer Naomi Shulman had a moment of deja vu when the New York Times recently ran a story about women who don’t change their names when they get married. We’ve heard the debate before.
Then she noticed something was missing in the discussion on her Facebook page about the story: How come we never ask men the question? Read more →

The bride was attended to by hospice nurses. Her husband has cerebral palsy, the Des Moines Register reports. Read more →

It was a short but predictably successful search for the man who donated a wedding dress to a charity thrift shop this week, thanks to social media.
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Somewhat quietly, Washington County has acknowledged that you don’t have to believe in God to marry two people.
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The Pew Research Center says today that the number of Americans who have never married is at an all-time high.
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Vivian Boyack, 91, and Alice Dubes, 90, got married on Saturday. Read more →

Devotion over decades is what marriage is all about. Read more →