‘The best a man can get’, the long-time advertising slogan of Gillette, is being turned on its head in the #MeToo era. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Marketing and advertising

On a scale of 9 to 10, how would you rate the Minnesota Twins, who are about to turn in their fourth consecutive 90-loss season? The little franchise that couldn’t is getting poked today for a survey it sent to ticket-buyers. ESPN’s Keith Olbermann last night awarded the Twins marketing department its gold medal in Read more →

Is this a whimsical and cute chalk drawing on a Stillwater sidewalk or a dastardly and illegal expansion of commercial signage?
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Commercial radio and TV will probably die off when the :15 and :30 second advertisement does. One gets the sense that the day is approaching, considering advertising’s growing fascination with docu-ads, entertaining films that, at the end, sell you something.
The latest comes from Cornetto, a U.K. ice cream company, which has taken 8 minutes to tell you that more than just the world of advertising is changing in a hurry. Read more →

We’re not sure we’re ready for this yet. The Minnesota Lynx have removed the name from the jerseys. We knew it was coming when they signed a marketing deal with the Mayo Clinic, but we like this… Over this… Media Day @minnesotalynx @twin1532 @janelmccarville @Lindsay_13 @seimoneaugustus @mooremaya. #LosLynx #Champions pic.twitter.com/bmFeLRWSPX — David Sherman (@David_Sherman) May Read more →

You’ve probably seen the people at the bottom of highway off-ramps, holding signs asking for help. Maybe they’re legit; maybe they’re not.
Alex Bogusky, an advertising man, tried to ignore them as much as he could. Then he started buying the signs, researched the advertising impact of them, and made better ones. Or so he thought. Read more →

If you spend any time at all on social networks, you’ve probably run across this ad in which a fake job was advertised to see who would show up to do it. Read more →

Some videos are just made for a Friday afternoon. This is one of them.
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This scene is no more. The most famous wallpaper in the world has been relegated to the ash heap now that Microsoft has walked away from its Windows XP operating system.
The image is called “Bliss.” Is it real? Microsoft has released this video with the answer.
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A lot of companies still run for cover when the issue of same-sex marriage comes up. Honey Maid got its share of grief last month when it showed same-sex couples in some of its ads.
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The Minnesota Lynx of the WNBA today became the first team in Minnesota to wipe its name of its jerseys and sell the space to an advertiser, in this case the Mayo Clinic. Read more →

Another salvo today in the ongoing battle over whether women should be called “bossy.”
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An ad from the Republican Governors Association in support of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is a good example of the silliness of political advertising. It’s a hit ad on Mary Burke, Walker’s Democratic challenger, in which the faces of struggling Wisconsinites is shown. Only Joe Korb and his wife aren’t in the soup line. They Read more →

At one point does a company (or sports team as the case may be) exploit a soldier to sell a product — beer, for example? Read more →