On Tuesday, Massachusetts voters will go to the polls to decide whether to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Marijuana
With medical marijuana legal now in Minnesota, has carnage on the road, presently caused by alcohol, multiplied with stoned drivers? It’s too soon to say.
And funny thing about that; scientists who study the brain can’t seem to agree on whether it impairs drivers the way booze does.
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In a child custody dispute, a father claimed that a court-ordered psychological evaluation would have violated his Rastafarian religious beliefs. Read more →
In Indiana, the First Church of Cannabis will hold its first service the same day Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act goes into effect. Read more →

Thanks to the eye of Jason DeRusha, we’re alerted to the ‘resignation’ of reporter Charlo Greene of KTVA in Alaska. The ethically-challenged Greene reported on the Alaska Cannabis Club, and never revealed that she owns the marijuana-legalization group. Read more →
Gov. Mark Dayton suggested to Jessica Hauser that if she wanted to help her 2-year-old son, Wyatt, with his 200 epileptic seizures a day, she just buy marijuana illegally. She found a real answer in Oregon.
Whatever happened to Jessica and her son? Read more →

It was a big day this week for potheads in Washington state when the first legalized sales of marijuana took place. In Spokane, Mike Boyer camped out to be the first in line. But Mike provides a great lesson. Even if you’re buying legal pot, ix-nay on the ameras-cay. He’s been fired from his security Read more →
In Colorado, Slate reports today, the Colorado Symphony, staged a ‘Classically Cannabis’ concert, a bring-your-own pot event. Read more →
A medical marijuana prescription from a state where it’s legal will not prevent you from being busted in Minnesota, the Minnesota Court of Appeals affirmed today. Read more →
Three of the governor’s most powerful cabinet members lobby against a medical marijuana bill while the governor insists he’s like to see a compromise on the question. Read more →

The legislation in Minnesota was probably doomed the moment Gov. Dayton urged both sides to work together on the issue. With the governor declaring he wouldn’t sign the bill without law enforcement’s blessing, there was no reason for law enforcement to negotiate, no matter how many sad stories the state’s citizens told. Read more →

Can a kid in Minnesota be a part-time hockey player, the medical marijuana issue at the Capitol, why is nobody answering at 911, the end of free TV, and the singing TV traffic guy. Read more →

Rounding up the innocent to catch the guilty, the winter of our discontent, what’s in your credit card agreement, Kevin Grow goes to the NBA, and the luck and realities of the Twin Cities classrooms. Read more →

The old stove loses a pal, should marijuana be legalized in Minnesota, how Minnesota researchers starved people to learn about starvation, the sports-related discussion we really should be having, and the gift of sight for an elderly woman. Read more →