If we can defend the right to burn a cross in St. Paul, we can surely defend the right to post a message on Facebook, or to be compelled by the government to post something on Twitter. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Mall of America
The Mall of America launched the #ItsMyMall hashtag to ask people to talk about their experiences at the mall. For those opposed to the mall’s response to a Dec. 20 demonstration, it was an invitation to protest. Read more →

The Mall of America built dossiers on demonstrators with Black Lives Matter prior to the December protest that resulted in the arrest of about a dozen people, The Intercept is reporting today. Read more →

Last weekend’s protest at the Mall of America could make an entire syllabus for a public relations class at any area university. It’s a battle of the messages and it involves people who know what they’re doing.
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After an accident, a cafe owner returns; who’s throwing away deer carcasses in Duluth, joy to the world of the dollar, the alcoholic people didn’t know, and Planet Money makes a T-shirt. Read more →