Winter, Wis., population 306, located southeast of Hayward, is getting some astronaut love today from its favorite astronaut. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: International Space Station

Southeastern Minnesota just barely got into the picture astronaut Jeff Williams took during an overnight pass of the International Space Station. Read more →

Today’s photograph from NASA, taken from the International Space Station, is a joy to behold, particularly if you believe, as I do, that the wonder of flight is that it gives you an entirely fresh perspective on your place in relation to the world around you. We learned that when Apollo 8 made its first swing around the moon and gave us a chance to look at ourselves, and this photograph does the same thing.
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Astronaut Kjell Lindgren probably caught a little friendly grief for taking a picture of Minneapolis from space but not St. Paul. He made it right on Saturday. Read more →
We always love it when someone in the International Space Station bothers to look down and get excited to see Minneapolis-St. Paul. Read more →