A little warmer temperature, some gusty winds and voila! We get one of the most entertaining weather events of the year: the march of the lake ice. Read more →
A little warmer temperature, some gusty winds and voila! We get one of the most entertaining weather events of the year: the march of the lake ice. Read more →
Another March day in Minnesota. Another person who had to be rescued from a floating ice flow. Read more →
A southeasterly wind and breaking ice continue to plague a few homeowners on the west shore of Lake Mille Lacs.
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You may recall the ice attack on the south shore last May. On Sunday the ice hit the northwest shore this time: U.S. Highway 169 just south of Garrison, Minn., thanks to 35 mph wind. Read more →
There are only two kinds of Minnesota drivers in winter: The ones who do this, and the ones who don’t. It is of questionable value and meaning. In freezing rain, theoretically, it could prevent breaking the wiper when pulling it out of the ice. This, however, requires an ice pack equal to or greater than Read more →