Political conventions are pretty fertile ground for Bad Lip Reading, the satire site that takes the real and makes it unreal. It was a little more challenging, perhaps to take Ted Cruz’s unreal moment in Cleveland and try to make it more unreal. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: humor

The lowlight of last Friday’s MinnRoast has already been documented here (and nowhere else, for some odd reason), but sponsoring MinnPost has released the highlight of its fundraisers: A skit featuring the sons of Gov. Mark Dayton — they own the Bachelor Farmer restaurant in St. Paul — trying to help the old-timer break into the restaurant business. Read more →

The Three Stooges made comedy by poking fun at Hitler. Is ISIS/ISIL off limits?
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At one time, La Crosse was the center of the clown universe. Read more →
If you’ve driven I-94 through Wisconsin on the long slog back to civilization, there’s not a lot of scenery to entertain you other than the occasional bull semen pun from ABS, the artificial insemination company for cows. Read more →
Non-Minnesota NewsCut readers: Do we seem snooty to you? City Pages today relays the findings of a travel magazine which ranks Minneapolis-St. Paul as the fourth most snooty metro area in the country. San Francisco, New York, and Boston are just ahead of us. It’s entirely possible that we are supposed to find this insulting, Read more →

I was worried that we’d get through the entire graduation season without a halfway-decent commencement speech that could hold our attention for longer than 15 seconds. But then Lewis Black gave his first-ever commencement speech to the grads of University of California– San Diego’s Thurgood Marhsall College. “I want you to know that you are Read more →