What are the ethical implications in reporting on stolen information without reporting where it came from and why it was leaked? Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Hillary Clinton

I’m probably in the minority given that I was disappointed — again — when the final Clinton-Trump debate ended. I’ve never seen anything in the American experience that’s quite like this, of course. And yet, I can’t look away. Read more →

Nobody’s public status benefits from passive voice like Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s. Read more →
This is what our presidential campaign has come to. A Twitter fight. Read more →

Not answering questions can be a long-term land mine for a political candidate, but only if she’s not answering good questions. Read more →
The interview carries a significant message: Politicians in the coming elections — especially Democrats — are going to have to answer for their past positions on same-sex marriage, the same way politicians of days-gone-by had to answer for their views on race and segregation. Read more →

For someone who lives in the White House, the danger of assuming you’re like most Americans can be particularly dangerous. Hillary Clinton proved that with the release of her new book. Read more →