A lot of people are ripping off the system, the Pioneer Press reports today, citing an audit showing Green Line riders in particular are dodging fares. Read more →
A lot of people are ripping off the system, the Pioneer Press reports today, citing an audit showing Green Line riders in particular are dodging fares. Read more →
When the Green Line light rail project started, businesses and property owners took a serious hit. Now they’re being charged for ‘improvements’ to the road. Read more →
If authorities are looking for ways to reduce the risk of pedestrians getting hit by Green Line trains on University Avenue in Saint Paul, this intersection at Western Avenue provides a good laboratory to test it out. Read more →
Don’t be such selfish, ill-mannered transit riders, Green Liners. Let a family get off a train before you shove against them trying to get on. Read more →
The Green Line project put stations after the intersection, meaning trains have to stop twice: once for the signal, and once for the station. Read more →
Who are you and what have you done with Joe Soucheray? The most famous crank in the newspaper business in the Twin Cities and long-time opponent of the Central Corridor light-rail project has seen the light in, perhaps, the biggest turnaround in transit history. In his column in the Pioneer Press today, Soucheray took the Read more →
More often, we hear “it takes too long” among potential Green Line. There’s a good reason for that. It takes too long.
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Is the Green Line more a transportation system or development tool? Read more →
Last evening, the new Green Line recorded its first car-train accident since service officially opened over the weekend. That didn’t take long.
Both train and car were traveling toward Minneapolis on University at Hampden when the car — of course — made an illegal left turn into the path of the train. It was the fifth accident since Green Line testing started in February and in every case the car’s driver did something wrong.
Usually it involves ignoring traffic signs or traffic signals.
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A week or so ago, MPR News reported that during testing of the new Green Line light-rail route, trains were taking about an hour to go from Union Depot in Saint Paul to Target Field, well above the 39 minutes of the original projections. Transit officials insisted that once the trains were timed with traffic Read more →
With less than a month before the official opening of the Green Line, street.mn’s David Levinson takes a look today at one particular stretch of the route: Washington Ave SE. Many of the problems he highlights, he notes, will be solved in time. The signals will be timed better and maybe pedestrians will start paying Read more →
MPR reporter Laura Yuen’s fine story on the the new Green Line light rail service is quite a bucket of cold water for those of us who’ve been fairly anxiously awaiting the inauguration of service one month from today.
The initial estimate of a 40-minute trip on the rail line between downtown Saint Paul and downtown Minneapolis was already far too long — it’s a 26-minute bus trip now — and now, Yuen reports, test trains have taken an hour or more. Read more →