A moment at the Capitol Tuesday reminded us that no matter how powerful we become, time still calls the shots. Read more →
A moment at the Capitol Tuesday reminded us that no matter how powerful we become, time still calls the shots. Read more →
Ruth Graham, who writes for Slate, probably is a cat lover. Read more →
While I think I understand George H.W. Bush better than I did when he was in office, I still have a problem reconciling the ability of politicians to take advantage of a moment in order to obtain a measure of power via an election. Read more →
George H.W. Bush turned 94 Tuesday, which is notable because not a single U.S. president has ever lived to be 94. And soon, there might be two. Jimmy Carter turns 94 in October. Presidents Ford and Reagan were 93 when they died. Bush’s son, Neal, penned a tribute to his father in USA Today today. “Long Read more →
The tension in the early part of the interview today comes from a theme that runs through his tremendous book. That setting your ideals and values aside — or even turning your back on them — is just the way politics is. And, besides, once you’re in office, you can walk things back and apply your ideals and values.
To do otherwise seems simple enough, but that’s also naive.
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It’s amazing, really, how one word can dog a person. Newsweek applied the “W word” to former President George Bush in 1987. And people repeated it until it stuck for the same reason characterizations stick today in social media: People often believe what they’re told to believe, and much of politics is marketing. Not a Read more →