Minnesota’s capital this year will not have a July Fourth fireworks display. St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter on Wednesday officially drove a stake through what was left of the holiday in his city, citing budget costs. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Fourth of July
The parade in Wisconsin took two minutes and covered 88 yards. Read more →

A boat provides he perfect location to watch fireworks over Hudson, Wis. Read more →

Reader Andi Lassiter has responded to our request for pictures of the ways people are calling ‘dibs’ for July 4th parade viewing spots.
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The man who drove a fire truck festooned with the Confederate flag at a parade in Albert Lea has defended his display in a common manner.
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An acquaintance said ‘You’ve got to see the Madeline Island Fourth of July Parade’ and so we checked it out on Saturday. And he was right; it was the perfect blend of what passes for a patriotic gathering on the quirkiest of the Apostle Islands.
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The NewsCut 4th of July tradition… The annual posting of the official News Cut July 4th observation: And here’s why there’s a 4th of July, and why we should be off all week. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them Read more →

On the Fourth of July, and many other times of the year, people love the flag. And they prove it by not loving it, or at least not enough to respect it under the U.S. Flag Code, which is a pretty simple document that explains proper respect for the nation’s icon. Every year around this Read more →

Save me a parade space? I don’t think so. Read more →