Pilot Gary Bipes of Hector went for a ride over the New Ulm area last evening to get a look at the flooding after a week of rain. Read more →
Pilot Gary Bipes of Hector went for a ride over the New Ulm area last evening to get a look at the flooding after a week of rain. Read more →
Of course, with more rain, predictions will change. But for now, it’s more of a nuisance than a disaster. Read more →
Does a picture of a professional kayaker going over Minnehaha Falls make you want to do the same, likely plunging to your death? Read more →
Sometimes a flood gives us the opportunity to look at the half-full side of things. Read more →
First, let’s acknowledge that we all have heard the warnings not to drive through standing water. That said, today’s various photos provide a great chance to evaluate the worst way to do what you’re not supposed to do in the first place. People blast through, apparently figuring if you go through really fast, all the Read more →
The flooding comes at a bad time. In the spring, the schools are in and the supply of young people with strong backs is inexhaustible. Not so in late June. Read more →
We know how tempting it can be to believe your car can get through a little standing water so we’re giving a woman on I-90 near the South Dakota border the benefit of the doubt. Read more →
his is the sort of flooding we see in March in western Minnesota but this time it’s because of 6 inches of rain that fell overnight in Luverne. Read more →