From many indications, the militarization of local police isn’t slowing down much since the Ferguson, Mo., confrontations. And while the threat of terrorism is often stated as the reason, Mother Jones reports that a war on drugs is primarily responsible. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: ferguson

A Demonstrator protesting the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown holds up a sign on August 13, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. (Scott Olson / Getty Images) There is a tendency among many in the United States to view young black men as dangerous. As Morehouse College professor Marc Lamont Hill has said, many whites view Read more →

The difference in reactions to the disturbances in Ferguson, Mo., where a white police officer shot an unarmed young black man nearly two weeks ago, sadly isn’t surprising. Many white Americans reportedly think the black community’s anger over Michael Brown’s death – indeed, the growing movement in Ferguson to address longstanding inequities — and the Read more →

When President Obama addressed the nation Monday on crises in war-torn Iraq and Ferguson, Mo., millions likely waited with anticipation for inspiring and defining words. Across the country, the attention was focused not on the Middle East but on what the president would have to say about Ferguson, which has swirled in turmoil since police Read more →

There’ll be no school this week in the Ferguson, Mo., school district, as efforts to quell violence related to a police shooting fail to stop the unrest. The announcement appears on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website: “We believe that closing schools for the rest of this week will allow needed time for peace and stability Read more →