Duluth’s competition for a new city flag is turning nasty.
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Duluth’s competition for a new city flag is turning nasty.
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Winter is in its last few hours and the people of Duluth are looking to give it a last kick today by wearing shorts. Read more →
Removing snow seems like a no-brainer for local politicians’ career paths, but as cities struggle more with removing it, there’s little evidence that the disinterest in making such a mundane task a priority is a threat. Read more →
Roberta Kriegh, 37, has been homeless since the dog she depended on for emotional support died. It’s hard to see how she has any path out of her problem. Read more →
Jazz, the uniquely American art form, is dying in Duluth in one of the most unique locations: a strip club.
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Indignant Minnesotan, the hilarious Twitter account that demands adherence to the notion that we’re #1 in everything, will need a defibrillator today. Rolling Stone is out with its assessment of Duluth, following this week’s appearance there by the president.
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James Fallows, the correspondent for The Atlantic, has always had a soft spot for Duluth. The plane that he flies around the country reporting on America’s overlooked communities, was built there.
So it’s not surprising that he gave the city of heaping helping of love in the CBS Sunday Morning segment that included a beermaker in Duluth. Read more →
If data collected by Minnesota’s state and local government is public, why do we have to pay so much to get it?
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The Duluth News Tribune’s John Lundy reports the Paris tradition of attaching a padlock as a symbol of love has made it to Duluth. Couples write their names on the lock and then attach it to three pillars on the Lakewalk in Canal Park.
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Pat Cadigan started with the station in 1961. He got into radio the old-fashioned way; he worked the overnight shift before becoming the morning host through 1974, taking time off to sell real estate, and then returning to the station in the ’80s. Read more →
And no hour is too late to keep the salute between ship and Lift Bridge quiet. Read more →
The vernal equinox came officially on Monday. But, really, Wednesday was Duluth’s first day of spring. The first laker of the season left port. Read more →
It wasn’t injured; it was curious. You know how owls are. Read more →
It was minus 22 in Duluth, not the best weather for a short-haired dog, but not an impediment for dozens — maybe hundreds — of people who cared enough to help look for Bentley. Read more →
If you’re planning on walking around Duluth’s waterfront, pack your ice skates. Read more →