The sentencing of a repeat drunk driver this week is raising an ongoing question surrounding the problem of alcohol and vehicles: Does getting tougher on drunk driving work? Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: DUI
A divided court ruled a blood draw is more invasive than a breath test and so requires a warrant. The decision reins in Minnesota’s law criminalizing suspected DUI drivers who refuse alcohol testing. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals is running out of ways to say it: It’s not unconstitutional to impose a criminal penalty on someone who refuses to take a breath test when stopped for suspicion of drunk driving.
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When Jennifer Axelberg of Monticello tried to flee her husband during a fight at their cabin in Mora, she didn’t have much choice but to get in a car and drive for a mile to safety, even though she had enough to drink at dinner that she was driving under the influence.
As a result, the commissioner of public safety in Minnesota revoked her driver’s license under the state’s implied consent law.
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Does having a state driver’s license mean Minnesotans give their implied OK to a blood alcohol test if they’re stopped on suspicion of DUI? The Minnesota Supreme Court says yes. Read more →

The Department of Public Safety has answered the question today in releasing the counties targeted for increased DUI patrols around the Super Bowl. Read more →
When the U.S. Supreme Court declared unconstitutional the practice of requiring people suspected of drunk driving to submit to blood testing without a warrant, it left an important question unanswered: What happens to people who were convicted prior to the ruling? Read more →
Minnesota’s implied consent law, which allows the state to revoke your driver’s license if you refuse to submit to chemical testing for DUI, has survived yet another constitutional challenge. Read more →
A handful of cases from federal and state judges has sought recently to clarify a long-standing argument: When you drive a car, is it constitutional that you automatically submit to chemical testing for DUI when an officer asks you too? Read more →

Rounding up the innocent to catch the guilty, the winter of our discontent, what’s in your credit card agreement, Kevin Grow goes to the NBA, and the luck and realities of the Twin Cities classrooms. Read more →
A divided Minnesota Supreme Court today upheld a state law that allows a county to seize and sell an automobile if the person driving it was driving drunk. Read more →