We are intrigued by the self-restraint shown by Minnesota’s and Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation to try to find s Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: driving
Bottom line to the rest of us: Stay in your lane when making a right turn. Read more →
Some drivers are apparently frustrated that they can’t get the automated pay systems to work right.
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History says the St. Paul effort will fade, and drivers — if they change their behavior at all — will go back to being the inconsiderate oofs they often are in the city. Read more →

At the Piggly Wiggly supermarket in Mayville, Wisconsin — between Oshkosh and Milwaukee — Russell Kerr, 92, just wanted to get out of his parking spot.
He did. After he hit nine cars. His accelerator got stuck and he panicked. Read more →
In Minnesota — and in this case: Minneapolis — winter is the time of the year when you can almost roll a car while parking it. Read more →

There are only two kinds of Minnesota drivers in winter: The ones who do this, and the ones who don’t. It is of questionable value and meaning. In freezing rain, theoretically, it could prevent breaking the wiper when pulling it out of the ice. This, however, requires an ice pack equal to or greater than Read more →