The Lancaster, Pa., Barnstormers, one of the many independent minor league teams, are patting themselves on the back for their sensitivity to domestic assault by cutting a player after police released a video showing Danry Vasquez beating up his girlfriend in August 2016 at Whataburger Field in Texas, home of the Corpus Christi Hooks baseball Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Domestic abuse
The court ruled in the case of Tracy Thompson, who had sought an order for protection in September 2015 against her ex-husband, John Schrimsher, based largely on allegations of domestic abuse several years earlier, including being kicked, choked, knocked over, and slapped, some of which occurred while she was pregnant. Schrimsher denied the allegations.
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If we’re really interested in stopping mass murder, it’s well past time to start talking seriously about whether we take domestic abuse seriously enough.
Find a man who’ll beat up women and children, and you may well find a man capable of killing the defenseless. Read more →
The law is the law, but sometimes the law is lame, too. A Florida woman who was choked in a domestic abuse case was sent to jail for three days because she refused to testify against her attacker.
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A split Minnesota Supreme Court Wednesday threw out a man’s first-degree-murder conviction for killing his girlfriend as justices wrangled over the legal definition of domestic abuse. Read more →
Two former football wives in the NFL are offering a dark picture of life inside the NFL when it comes to domestic abuse. Read more →

A media ethicist says using the video without Janay Rice’s consent ‘violates our ethical obligation to treat Janay Rice and other survivors of intimate partner violence as people rather than vehicles for social change.’ Read more →
Here's Knoblauch's mug shot from when he was arrested yesterday after allegedly beating his wife in front of family. — Jace Larson KPRC (@jacelarson) July 24, 2014 The Minnesota Twins have decided to cancel their hall of fame induction of former secondbaseman Chuck Knoblauch. The only question is why they intended to honor him Read more →

In a case that seemed to pit laws to protect domestic abuse victims against those designed to protect other drivers from drunks on the road, the Minnesota Supreme Court has sided with the latter.
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In upholding the constitutionality of Minnesota’s law allowing a 50-year order for protection for victims of domestic abuse, the Minnesota Supreme Court was sharply divided today on the question of whether abuse or stalking of a mother constitutes abuse of the children when it comes to deciding whether parenting time should be restricted. Read more →