The cyclist-driver gulf may never be bridged. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Cycling

A report from the Minneapolis Bike Coalition says black bicyclists are stopped by police more often than their white counterparts. Read more →

It doesn’t seem possible that it’s been three years since Shaina Briscoe , an avid and well-known Twin Cities cyclist, started out on a race to the lakes of the Twin Cities, and sustained a severe brain injury when she and an SUV collided in Minneapolis. Read more →
If you are a bike rider, you probably know the frustration of pulling up to an intersection where pressure plates or other gizmos force a light to turn green for cars. Bikes? Too light. So a cyclist has to hit the ‘walk’ button.
So MnDOT’s experiment in Northfield is pretty significant. Read more →
I don’t know if you can see the video of what happened around Keller Park last night, Facebook settings being what they are and all, but it was a pretty astounding statement that a man who took his own life last fall mattered, and his loss is a loss for us all. Read more →
The ‘Kryptonite’ U-lock has been conquered by thieves. Read more →