A Wall Street Journal report shows Best Buy and other retail chains are alienating legitimate customers as they chase down the fraction of store returns that are considered fraudulent.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Consumerism

Turner Barr has been traveling around the world for six years, funding his adventures by working along the way. His blog Around the World in 80 Jobs offers tips and documented his travels, like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxBhZlaIrJc It was a great success. Then Adecco, a multinational human resources company, started using “Around the World in Read more →
We don’t cover the airline-formerly-known-as-Northwest much anymore, not since it got gobbled up by Delta and became the airline from Atlanta. Which is a shame because the airline from Atlanta is pretty much run by the former execs of the airline-formerly-known-as-Northwest. And, of course, it still provides plenty of jobs in flyover country. But this Read more →

The inability to plan a future, time is up for old white people, want to buy a hot coleus, the angry Lego, andthe boys of Wasioja. Read more →

Other than the airlines, nobody is better at treating customers like dirt than Major League Baseball. Friday night’s game in Cleveland is a perfect example. It was Friday night fireworks night at Progressive Field, a tradition that dates back decades in the city. Tickets for fireworks night go quickly because few stadiums provide the after-the-game Read more →