The sports fans of Cleveland are mad — really mad — that their football team stinks again. So, they’re going to throw them a parade.
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The sports fans of Cleveland are mad — really mad — that their football team stinks again. So, they’re going to throw them a parade.
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Admit it: If there’s one city you thought would pick up on the odd, recent “tradition” of burning cars after a city wins a championship, you figured, ‘Cleveland.’ Me too. Read more →
It must kill the rest of America to admit it, but Cleveland has had a pretty good week, landing both the Republican National Convention and LeBron James. In quite a surprise, it was Sports Illustrated that released the word that has had the sports tongues wagging. In his essay today, James does not promise a Read more →
A few weeks ago, Cleveland-area voters approved an extension of a “sin tax” to provide handouts to upgrade three major venues — Progressive Field for the Indians, Quicken Arena for the Cavaliers, and FirstEnergy Stadium for the Browns. Now the county executive has released his plan for distributing the $2.6 million per year: It will Read more →
Voters rarely get the opportunity to take a stand on public funding of sports stadiums, so when Cleveland went to the polls this week for continued taxpayer subsidies, it provided a good barometer of public sentiment on the issue. What did we learn? That the vocal opposition to stadiums might be overblown, taxes to support Read more →
There’s a reality in debates over public financing of sports stadiums that rarely gets acknowledged: You never really stop paying for them. Read more →