The Cleveland media spent much of the weekend complaining that the Minnesota Twins didn’t build a domed ballpark, thanks to a stiff wind and 37 degree temperatures for the opening series of the 2019 baseball stadium. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Cleveland Indians

Chief Wahoo has been dying for a long time as the Cleveland Indians have walked a fine line between angering its mascot-embracing fans and slowly transitioning away from its use. In recent years, the team has adopted an uninspiring block ‘C’ as its official logo, but the wahoo still appeared on the team’s uniforms. Read more →

In lieu of flowers for her father, a daughter recommends people buy baseball tickets instead. Read more →

Changing a sports team’s logo is a pretty simple task. All it takes is a bucketload of money, as the Minnesota Timberwolves showed last night as part of the team’s plan to wipe away the stench of bad basketball.
Wiping away the stench of racism, however, continues to befuddle the sports world and the people who run the leagues, particularly baseball and football. Read more →

Jack Lipscomb, 19, has spunk. We like spunk.
Lipscomb, a fan of the Cleveland Indians, wants to throw out a ‘first pitch’ at a home game, a reasonable request considering the usual boring array of people who are entrusted with the task in baseball these days. Read more →

When reporters parachute in to provide sports coverage to an audience which hates sports, you get the kind of story NPR provided today in a blast against the fans of the Cleveland Indians. Read more →

When we talk baseball, we pull our past with us — our brothers, our grandmothers, our aunts, our sons and daughters — as we hang on for one more season, one more game, one more chance to dream that salvation will come, if not in this life, then surely the next. Or the one after that. Read more →

Indigenous activist Douglas Cardinal’s attempt to prevent it from happening because of Cleveland’s racist mascot and team name is worthy of attention in a country that has a law against such things. If nothing else, Cleveland’s success in the playoffs is coming alongside attention over its racist mascot. Read more →

Jerry Howarth cannot bring himself to say “the Cleveland Indians.” He finds the team’s name and mascot insulting. Lots of people do. But lots of people aren’t the play-by-play voice of the Toronto Blue Jays, who open the American League Championship Series against the Cleveland Indians. Jerry Howarth is. Read more →

An odd thing happened today when someone wore a T-shirt of a sports team featuring a racial caricature. It offended some people. Read more →
No matter what kind of day you’re having, at least you’re not this guy in Cleveland. Read more →

If you’re on social media, there’s a pretty good chance you saw this picture, which was captured by Cleveland attorney Peter Pattakos outside Friday’s Twins-Indians game in Cleveland. Read more →