Ali Mohamed Dahir was among several dozen who became new citizens during a naturalization ceremony on St. Paul’s Harriet Island. Like his fellow new family members, his story is worth telling. Read more →
Ali Mohamed Dahir was among several dozen who became new citizens during a naturalization ceremony on St. Paul’s Harriet Island. Like his fellow new family members, his story is worth telling. Read more →
Nothing can make an American feel prouder of the country than to hear the stories of people who risked lives and left families for a better place. Ours. Read more →
State school chief Kirsten Baesler and first lady Betsy Dalrymple announced a bill they will have filed that will require high school kids to answer questions on the citizenship test as a requirement for graduation. Read more →
The case of Mario Hernandez defies all logic. When he signed up to fight in Vietnam, and took his oath to uphold the Constitution, he thought he was becoming a citizen. He had a Social Security number that he got when he arrived in the United States as a child. He went on to a career as a prison guard. He voted.
He did everything a good U.S. citizen does. Then he tried to go on a cruise with his wife and when he tried to get a passport, he found out he’s not a citizen after all. Read more →