Alas, we have reached another moment when Baby Boomers are told that their time is up. When the YMCA doesn’t want you anymore, it’s time to walk toward the sunset.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Baby Boomers

Where is the Baby Boomer to acknowledge that his/hers is the Worst Generation? I’ll tell you where. He’s going on vacation to Florida just as soon as he finishes this post to sample the life of affluence, kept by a generation of working kids who have nowhere near the possibility of such a life thanks to the world we left. I’ll feel guilty about it when I get back. Maybe. Read more →
It’s been awhile since we’ve had a good screed against Baby Boomers so today Canada’s Maclean’s magazine takes care of that with an essay by ‘former diplomat and social entrepreneur’ Scott Gilmore, who writes that it’s the one group that people should feel OK to revile. Read more →

Baby Boomers, the same crowd that put ABBA in the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame, thank you very much, will probably put up some sort of spirited defense against a column by the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank. . But there’s one problem with trying: Milbank has a point.
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Two-thirds of all home equity is owned by 55 and older, with a total value of about $8 trillion. They’re not giving it up.
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We baby boomers have one final, selfish act before we go, a new study suggests. We’re not going to leave you an inheritance. Read more →
The reality for Baby Boomers nearing retirement is most of them know that if they lose their jobs today, they’re done. Read more →