Should Hennepin County have whitewashed a mural, the suicide detective, do your cellphone chargers need to be unplugged, the man who sent 19-year-olds to war, art and politics, and 50 states and 50 pictures. Read more →
Should Hennepin County have whitewashed a mural, the suicide detective, do your cellphone chargers need to be unplugged, the man who sent 19-year-olds to war, art and politics, and 50 states and 50 pictures. Read more →
America moves on after the spying scandal, the great gopher feet caper and other tales from the mean streets of Minnesota, return of the website, the grace of Steve Gleason, and the girl who makes your 12 year old look like a lazy punk. Read more →
The tension and reaction surrounding a Rock the Garden set, perhaps, was inevitable as more rock festivals feature partnerships with previously-unlikely bedfellows. Rock music and an art museum? In the end, at least with one set, the locale won out. Art is supposed to satisfy, infuriate, cause a commotion and get people involved in spirited debate. Read more →
We’ll have to live without Jon Stewart on the Daily Show for the rest of the summer and the reason why is not at all comedy.
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