Because nonwhite voters make up 40 percent of the Democratic electorate, the website’s elections analyst suggests that, at least to them, Klobuchar isn’t anything special.
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Because nonwhite voters make up 40 percent of the Democratic electorate, the website’s elections analyst suggests that, at least to them, Klobuchar isn’t anything special.
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Give credit to Sen. Amy Klobuchar. She didn’t insult our intelligence by claiming she’s only interested in being a good U.S. senator and running for president has barely crossed her mind. Read more →
Minnesota DFL U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar brings Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain and Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders together for a little photographic unity. Read more →
If you’re looking for a U.S. senator most likely to fight the policy of Donald Trump, Sen. Amy Klobuchar shouldn’t be in the picture, an analysis by FiveThirtyEight alleges today.
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The pundits who got things so wrong in the election are still working today and we’re still paying attention to what they’re saying. Nothing else to do until January, we suppose.
They’ve switched from writing about the death of the Republican Party to writing about the death of the Democratic Party. Read more →
We’ve been amused over the years by the dynamic by which Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s name gets floated for high-profile gigs in Washington but there it is in black and white, thanks to the hacking of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s e-mail with the first cut-down of potential running mates. Read more →
If you ever wanted to assess the difference between DFL senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, this week’s vote to allow authorities to access phone logs, email records, cell-site data used to pinpoint locations, and your browser’s history without a warrant is a good place to start.
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Nobody’s public status benefits from passive voice like Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s. Read more →
Sen. Amy Klobuchar is among several women getting some CBS News admiration today for straightening out the old-boy’s club — the Senate.
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Sen. Amy Klobuchar had an answer ready for local journalists who asked her this week about the fiasco in a human trafficking bill that held up the confirmation of attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch because of an abortion provision.
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She’s been talked up as a Supreme Court nominee and potential attorney general. Now comes word Klobuchar’s writing her memoir, a requirement these days for a presidential run. Read more →
Here we go, again: Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s name is being mentioned as a possible attorney general now that Eric Holder is calling it quits.
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