Franken isn’t talking about the quick push by Democrats to get him out of the Senate — led by presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), who provided the final shove — but whether he paid too high a price is still being debated Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Al Franken
The eye is drawn to the smiling politician in the center of this Associated Press photo, until you follow the line created by linked hands and see the face of his spouse, and a different story — different words, if you will — is revealed. Read more →

Maybe a month ago, sexual harassment wasn’t a partisan issue. With Franken’s exit, Democrats, who’ve pushed John Conyers and Franken to the curb this week, are gambling that they can make it one. Read more →
He’s lost the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, who, on last night’s broadcast, inspected Franken’s assertions that if he grabbed women during the many photographs he’s taken with them over the years, it was accidental contact.
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Women are tired of this. They’re tired of all of it. And they’re not going to give a break to politicians or their party on the basis of ‘it could always be worse.’” Read more →

A dustup from Republican operatives on Twitter yesterday was a perfect example of the ingrained cultural patriarchy. Three media outlets were allowed to interview Sen. Al Franken yesterday in separate interviews and all three reporters were women. Read more →

In an interview on Sunday with MPR News and several other news outlets in Minnesota, Sen. Al Franken said ‘I know I have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of people I’ve let down.’ Read more →
It’s hard to believe a reporter would go to the bother of setting up a TV interview, and then not get any newsworthy answers to questions that her allegations have raised. Read more →

What we have in the case of Al Franken now is a test of whether a politician can survive by seeking cover and issuing statements. The Minnesota senator has not done any interviews nor held a press conference to address last week’s allegations of sexual misconduct against him. And now there’s another. Read more →

Jill Abramson’s worry assumes that there no people capable of fighting for women who are not guilty of sexual misconduct. Read more →

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg has given voice to the conflict that supporters of Sen. Al Franken may have in the wake of Thursday’s bombshell. Read more →
Politics is a tough game and Franken is spilling blood in its water right now. It’s a fair bet that sharks in both parties are moving toward it just in case. Read more →

In his early years in the U.S. Senate, Al Franken tended to avoid comedy. When his book came out this year, Franken dared to be funny again, discovering that comedy is great storytelling and great storytelling is part of the art of politics. Read more →

After taking a stand for forgiveness, Sen. Al Franken couldn’t withstand the pressure to cancel an appearance with Kathy Griffin, the comedian who was stupid enough to be photographed holding a bloodied head that obviously was meant to portray President Donald Trump. Read more →
If you’re looking for a U.S. senator most likely to fight the policy of Donald Trump, Sen. Amy Klobuchar shouldn’t be in the picture, an analysis by FiveThirtyEight alleges today.
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