Sandy Abeler, of Bertrum, Minn., swims across a lake there to raise money to send kids to camp. She’s 89. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Aging

As you get older, you start to get a little used to the small indignities that remind you that you’re too old to be of much use. Be the Match told me today I’m too old to donate marrow. Read more →

If you had to line up all the possessions of your life, put price tags on them, and then watch people come pick through them, could you? Read more →
If there’s one thing many Baby Boomers have in common, it’s this: Trying to convince an elderly parent that it’s time to leave the home they’ve spent their life in, and move somewhere that’s not so dangerous for an elderly person.
For many, especially those who’ve already reluctantly given up the car keys at a son or daughter’s insistence, it’s the last piece of independence — and dignity, really.
Is it worth forcing the move, capping a lifetime with a few years of unhappiness. Or does a son/daughter just shrug and say, ‘whatever makes you happy at whatever the cost?’
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A plea to step back from the brink in Rogers, the business of raising the minimum wage, the art of getting old, from Norway with love, and a boy and his dog. Read more →