Be nice to a snowflake today. Gillette is out with another ad that attempts to redefine masculinity Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Advertising and marketing
Only in these times could a candidate launch a campaign with a campaign ad about a campaign ad she used in a previous election that she lost. Read more →
Slavery is good marketing for, the outfit that sells DNA tests. It’s not a good look for the firm. Whitewashing never is.
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When’s the last time you cried because of a beer ad? Today. Read more →
Some PR agency figured out how to get NewsCut to pay attention to a press release: put dogs in it. Read more →

Where did North Dakota go to find a logo and slogan to capture its essence? Minnesota. Read more →
Friday marks the sixth anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut.
Each year at this time, Sandy Hook Promise, the group formed by family members of some of those killed in the massacre, releases a devastating PSA to help people recognize the signs of someone who might use violence in school. Read more →

We’re not particularly surprised that a Wisconsin company has given a gun to each employee for Christmas. Because, after all, what says ‘Merry Christmas’ more than a gun? Read more →
Not since Paul Wellstone, have we seen an ad that does so much to humanize a candidate, as the one Amy Klobuchar issued today with congressional candidate Dean Phillips.
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The nation is on the precipice of having nothing left to complain about now that Starbucks has negated the annual backlash against its decision to take the Christmas and winter theme out of its holiday cups.
It’s putting Christmas and winter back in the design. Read more →

The thing about Mondays is the news cycle is — for the most part — glacial and not at all interesting, so let’s bathe in alternatives while we can. Read more →
Folks are going to want to pick apart this ad, released today by Nike, because Colin Kaepernick is in it and that makes them see red. I see confirmation that maybe a kid who needed a ride in the rain is right. Read more →

Circuses are dead or dying. The company that makes Animal Crackers would rather not follow suit. Read more →

There isn’t anything in America anymore that can’t be turned into a billboard. Now 3M has upped the game, turning its Maplewood headquarters into a billboard, using the same product it makes that wraps light-rail cars, for example, into rolling ads. Read more →
That the St. Paul Saints, who clinched first place in promotion smarts years ago, haven’t had a Millennial Night, is likely not an oversight. The franchise knows a third-rail when it sees one.
Have you met the Montgomery Biscuits? Read more →