Despite the daily news cycle which tends to portray the situation in Minnesota in the most dire terms, there’s a reality here we should consider: Survey after survey on topic after topic shows that things are better here than almost anywhere else.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Surveys and trivia
Analyzing Census Bureau data, Pew Research says Millennials have now overtaken Baby Boomers as the largest generation in the country, a blow to Gen X, which never got its day at the top of the heap. Read more →

Every once in a while, we stumble across evidence that there really are signs of intelligent life on this planet. Read more →
It isn’t really State Fair season until Brian Sorenson releases his State Fair Bingo cards.
That day came today.
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The original article points out a troubling trend: People who find data on the Internet, slap up some Google streetview pictures, and never visit the area they’re professing to analyze.
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We love you so very much, Internet.
In Toronto, authorities were slow to pick up a dead racoon. So people started creating a memorial to it, and created a hashtag on Twitter to honor it.
The rest was online gold. Read more →
Because sometimes the only thing going on the world that can hold our attention for longer than 30 seconds is a water-skiing squirrel, that’s why. Read more →
The best part about the summer solstice is it ushers in a summer of slow news days, which gives us a legitimate excuse — almost — to watch cat videos. Read more →
We’ve heard worse ideas for dealing with the invasive carp problem than this one. Turning it into a recreational activity. Read more →
We’ve got terrible news for those of you dreaming about setting a world record for most number of bees perched on your body. Read more →

Sure, at first blush it looks like Northfield just took itself out of the running for most bicycle-friendly city in Minnesota. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. There’s lots of bike parking in the city, and even two repair stations. But it caused a bit of a stir anyway.
Still, this dismantling of the bike locked to a traffic signpost today presents a mystery to us. Read more →

British elections illuminated a big problem with polls in the first place: People vote based on them. Read more →
It’s not trendy and it’s not glitzy but Virginia, Minnesota — on the Iron Range — has one of the 10 best neighborhoods for people over 50 in the country, according to the AARP.
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Among the great mysteries on the planet, this one must now be added: How is it that Pierre, South Dakota got more votes in a Monopoly contest than Minneapolis? Read more →