Minneapolitans who are accustomed to seeing their city and state at the top of most any ranking shouldn’t be too shocked by the fact that when it comes to hard-working cities, the city doesn’t abide. Read more →
Minneapolitans who are accustomed to seeing their city and state at the top of most any ranking shouldn’t be too shocked by the fact that when it comes to hard-working cities, the city doesn’t abide. Read more →
Maybe being a bicyclist in our cities doesn’t have to be a life-or-death challenge at intersections. Read more →
San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the National Anthem on Saturday, testing whether we mean any of of the platitudes we utter about America. Read more →
With summer ebbing (spoiler alert: summer is ebbing), let’s live vicariously. Post your photo of your best moment of summer 2016 and the story behind it. Read more →
Rich Dworsky is remaining with the show now that Garrison Keillor has retired. He’ll be music director of an entirely new band, new host Chris Thile has announced, according to Current. Read more →
It’s true that business media speak a different language from earthlings, but we’re still confused — and a little impressed — with Mylan’s chief executive officer Heather Bresch’s response to her company’s shakedown of people who need to buy EpiPen’s to be used during allergic emergencies.
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We’re suckers for tales of the Greatest Generation, and, apparently, so are the 5.5 million other people who’ve been delighted this week by the video of Ernie Thompson, 98, a World War II veteran who served on some famous ships during the war. A group of Navy petty officer candidates marched to his house in Read more →
It’s wishful thinking to assume a call to C-SPAN signals a widespread change in the discussion of race in America, but maybe it’s at least a small sign that it’s possible to make progress. Read more →
Anita Krajnc, 49, could be in jail soon. She’s in day two of her trial in Ontario on criminal charges.
She gave water to some pigs heading for the slaughterhouse. Read more →
It’s hard to throw out a first pitch with the weight of Olympic gold medals around your neck. Fortunately, Katie Ledecky had some guy around — Washington Nationals’ Bryce Harper — who wasn’t doing anything. Read more →
When you move to the Midwest, it doesn’t take long to appreciate the sentries that stand watch in our communities. Read more →
People were unhappy with the picture that was used to show the driveway of the individual, whose case was at the heart of the case which tested a state law regulating these sorts of things.
So I snapped a couple of pictures this afternoon.
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The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that a search warrant that allows police to test the blood alcohol content of a suspected drunken driver can also target the use of drugs, even if there’s no probable cause to suspect drug use. Read more →
Howard Johnson’s was once the largest restaurant chain in America. And now, there’s only one. Read more →
What do coaches say when they go to the mound to talk to a struggling pitcher? Now we know, at least in Little League. Read more →