A Green Bay alderman is piling on after his gaffe earlier this month in which he responded to a woman who’d asked about bus service by inquiring whether she embraces terrorism. Read more →
A Green Bay alderman is piling on after his gaffe earlier this month in which he responded to a woman who’d asked about bus service by inquiring whether she embraces terrorism. Read more →
What? A guy needs a reason to post a video of a dog’s view of being let off a leash and heading for the good times while the rest of slave away in the cubicle farm? Read more →
Canadian filmmaker Omar Albach took to the streets of Hamilton, Ontario — hometown of the soldier who was shot to death last week in Ottawa — to conduct what he says was a ‘social experiment’ in which a white man appeared to confront a Muslim man. Read more →
Chengyi Pan, 97, has a big day planned next week. She’ll vote. Read more →
A man cried during a political debate last night. Does it make a difference? Read more →
It’s hard to imagine a more damning assessment of a sacred cow than ProPublica’s expose of the American Red Cross.
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Sioux Falls will not be painting over snowplows that displays the words ‘Jesus Christ’ and a Biblical passage. Another says, ‘Happy Birthday, Jesus.’ The mayor says the city will keep them the way they are despite an earlier decision to the contrary. Read more →
A woman walked around New York City for 10 hours and filmed every catcall she received. Read more →
Is it really surprising that in a year in which a candidate’s hair is an actual issue in a race for Congress, that a candidate for attorney general of Minnesota features a break-dancing bison? Read more →
There’s a bit of hypocrisy in the green movement’s approach to the coming elections. Read more →
They’re holding the funeral today in Hamilton for Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, who was gunned down while standing guard at the National War Monument in Ottawa. Read more →
A man who lives near Wausau is suing the sheriff’s department in Marathon County, Wisc., because when it came time to collect a civil judgment against him, the department sent a SWAT team. Read more →
Obese people have a hard time getting equal treatment in the workplace. That much has been known since a study proved it about a decade ago. But now a new study shows that the situation is much worse for women than men.
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Suffice it to say, few things in the American workplace create more tension than the performance review.
Between 60 and 90 percent of those surveyed hate the process, the story indicates. Managers often come up with “goals” for the coming year that an employee can easily meet (if he or she hasn’t already) or are so vague that it’s easily satisfied in the subsequent quarterly reviews.
Why do we do this? Read more →
Steve Neuman, who might or might not work for Minnesota Public Radio, tweeted an idea to DeRusha this morning, right after WCCO’s ‘four things you need to know’ segment, which usually features things you really don’t need to know. Read more →