The people who make money in the housing industry are inflating expectations. Again. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for February 2014

A heart problem probably is responsible for a plane crash near Mankato, Minn., last spring that killed a pilot, the National Transportation Safety Board has revealed. Read more →
As secretly shameless as the BMW connection is, NBC’s coverage of “the moms” has been an out-in-the-open payoff. Read more →

Today’s temperatures are a stark reminder that spring is coming and there’s nothing you can do to hold onto winter, try as you might.
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A picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes 999 of the words are wrong. This tweet raced across the Internet this week. It showed a boy “all alone” in the desert, fleeing the violence of Syria. It was based on a picture distributed by a U.N. agency. Here 4 year old Marwan, who was Read more →

Rounding up the innocent to catch the guilty, the winter of our discontent, what’s in your credit card agreement, Kevin Grow goes to the NBA, and the luck and realities of the Twin Cities classrooms. Read more →

A lunch-line hero in Willmar, 45 facts about U.S. presidents, maybe we’re not really here, a droid’s eye view of the Metrodome dismantling, and the ice sculptures of Nisswa. Read more →
h/t: NBC The USA doesn’t have the market cornered on pushy, obnoxious sports parents. Norwegian Martin Johnsrud Sundby tried his best at Friday’s 15k classic in Sochi, NBC reports. But it wasn’t good enough. Given the opportunity to offer her progeny a little motherly comfort, his mother spit on the Olympic spirit instead. “You’re the Read more →
Oshie for president. Except he's like 15 years old. — Amanda Rykoff (@amandarykoff) February 15, 2014 Putin just ordered all out nuke strike on Warroad. — Blues & Baseball (@BluesnBaseball) February 15, 2014 The face that'll keep Putin awake tonight. — BarstoolTrent (@BarstoolTrent) February 15, 2014 They'll re-ice now with Putin tears. — Seth Read more →

Valentine’s Day, ice dams, long winters and bad cats. It’s all part of 5X8. Read more →

In our rush to save the planet by switching to non-oil sources of fuel, we might be making some things worse, at least where natural gas is concerned. Read more →

Amanda Wothe, 25, and her 18-year-old sister, Maggie, are beauty pageant queens and they and their mother know what you’re thinking. “Unfortunately, I know we’ve been the target of gossip because of this,” Tammy Wothe tells Detroit Lakes Online. “Our goal is much bigger than all that.” The three are using the pageants to try Read more →

What’s our ally — Turkey — doing today? Oh nothing, just using water cannons on journalists who are trying to cover the protests against the government there. @dlepeska She is Ulusal TV reporter Husna Sari, Hurriyet reports. #Turkey @oemoral — Merlinka (@Meralink) February 13, 2014 Here’s another angle. Fifty-nine journalists have been forced Read more →
It’s anonymous email and letter season for some high school sports fans. With the state hockey tournament set to start, and its becoming clear that only a few berths remain in the grasp of some teams, there is the occasional complaint — usually anonymous — that a team in the running is cheating. The Star Read more →

When we heard that a radio host had used skis to get to work in Washington today — what with their big storm and all — we knew it had to be a public radio type. Read more →