Frontline ‘kneecaps’ the Vatican, it’s clear-your-mailbox season but what if you can’t, Delta scraps the old frequent flier program, where are the women in media, and recovering from the Arrowhead 135. Read more →
Frontline ‘kneecaps’ the Vatican, it’s clear-your-mailbox season but what if you can’t, Delta scraps the old frequent flier program, where are the women in media, and recovering from the Arrowhead 135. Read more →
A reminder that when it comes to cancer, insurance companies still call the shots. Read more →
There’s an effort to get opening day named a national holiday. Read more →
There’s a new argument for more mass transit — an easing of racial tension.
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Can a kid in Minnesota be a part-time hockey player, the medical marijuana issue at the Capitol, why is nobody answering at 911, the end of free TV, and the singing TV traffic guy. Read more →
Montreal gets a lot of snow and knows how to remove it efficiently from the streets. Can we learn something? Read more →
In Dallas, the pols proposed a new rule. If you speak at a city council meeting, you can’t speak again — on any issue — for another 30 days.
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The Minnesota Court of Appeals has given a boost to cities who want to keep neighborhoods from being taken over by college students.
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Is plowing really worse now, the need for another miracle on ice, snowy owls and the selfish photographer, jumping through hoops for jobs, and thekilling of the Wisconsin labor union. Read more →
Nothing against you personally, Warroad, but you’re not the only city in Minnesota with a little hometown pride when it comes to athletes in competition. You just get all the attention. In the tiny city of Hendricks yesterday, population about 700, about 80 people turned out at The Local, a restaurant in town, to watch Read more →
“It’s not unsporting for athletes to cry when they come up short. But it is unsporting to chastise them for it.”
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Yes, it’s hockey. But at least Canada is united on something. What about the U.S.? Read more →
What’s public radio fundraising come to? Read more →
Golden Valley’s reaction to a proposed mental health center for kids was hateful, and shameful. Read more →
You’re stuck on a highway going nowhere. What do you do? Wait it out, or do something like this? Cars are turning around in front of me on 394 and driving the wrong direction to escape the gridlock. pic.twitter.com/GWhjjvF7Hk — Chris Egert (@ChrisEgert) February 21, 2014 Three semi-trucks are blocking the road near I-94. This Read more →